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Topics For Argumentative Essay Grade 8
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Aristotle Greek Philosopher History Research Paper
Aristotle Greek Philosopher History - Research Paper Example Aristotle was firmly connected with the Macedonians thus he was deprived of his respect at Delphi. He composed a letter to Antipater which said â€Å"As for the respect which was casted a ballot me at Delphi and of which I have now been stripped, I am neither significantly concerned nor extraordinarily unconcerned†. Aristotle spent the most recent year of his life in the homes of his mother’s family on the island of Euboea. His institute Lyceum made due after his demise and Theophrastus turned into the new head. (Barnes, pp.3-6). In the later long periods of his life, Aristotle used to be sharp looking and used to make the most of his days by enjoying the solaces of life. He is portrayed as being uncovered headed. He had slim legs and little eyes. He was a clever individual, talked with a stutter and had a ridiculing nature. After his significant other passed on, he lived till his own demise in an unlawful relationship with his special lady Herpyllis. He had a child wit h her whom he named Nicomachus, after his dad. (Magill and Moose, p.130) Philosopher and Teacher In the early long periods of his life, Aristotle was connected uniquely with doctors and sovereigns. He had no association with scholars. The initial four periods of his life finished at eighteen years old when he went to Athens to take in reasoning from Plato. His vocation was partitioned into three periods. The main time frame comprised of the twenty years that he spent in Athens where he remained till Plato’s passing. The subsequent period comprised of the thirteen years wherein he went as a rationalist and instructor. The third and last time frame comprised of the years spent in Lyceum after his arrival to Athens. Plato’s strategy for educating was in exchange structure and Aristotle was incredibly impacted by this. He started his works in exchanges and made himself the fundamental speaker in those discoursed. It is... This exposition focuses on that there are sure hypotheses in Aristotle’s political way of thinking that pull in reactions. As indicated by Aristotle, the political network is a â€Å"natural element like a creature or a man†. As indicated by pundits, the political network is totally a â€Å"product of art†. Aristotle contrasts a government official and a skilled worker. By doing this he negates his own explanation that â€Å"he who previously confined the political network was a reason for the best goods†. He says that similarly as a shipbuilder assembles a boat out of different things like timber, canvas, nails and so forth., a legislator likewise frames a constitution out of the residents of a city-state. On the off chance that this announcement is valid, at that point a political network can't be a characteristic substance. This shows there is a defect in the very foundation of his political way of thinking. Aristotle accepted that a man has a character istic inclination to get cultivated and structure a humanized society. This has been censured by the seventeenth century English scholar Thomas Hobbes who asserts that â€Å"civil society runs, not with, however contrary to what would be expected of man’s nature†. He said that men are normally hostile to social creatures and have no characteristic inclination to frame a common society. The self-opposing proclamations of Aristotle make his political way of thinking defenseless against criticisms. This paper focuses on that there are sure speculations in Aristotle’s political way of thinking that draw in reactions. As indicated by Aristotle, the political network is a â€Å"natural element like a creature or a man†.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Progressive Movement free essay sample
Progressivism infers a way of thinking that invites advancements and changes in the political, financial, and social request. The Progressive development, 1901 to 1917, was at last the triumph of conservatism as opposed to a triumph for radicalism. From a general perspective, the moderate objectives of this period legitimized the Liberal changes ordered by Progressive pioneers. Straying from the customary meaning of conservatism (a protection from change and an attitude of antagonistic vibe toward developments in the political, social, and monetary request), the Progressivism Movement Progressivism infers a way of thinking which invites advancements and changes in the political, monetary, and social request. The Progressive development, 1901 to 1917, was at last the triumph of conservatism Conservatist triumph was as in there was a push to keep up fundamental social and financial relations indispensable to an industrialist society. The Progressive heads basically needed to sustain Liberal change so as to bring upon general conservatism. Development of the government s forces, rivalry and monetary circulation of riches, and the social government assistance of American residents concerned the numerous pioneers of this period. The business effect on legislative issues was very huge of the Progressive Era. Not Progressivism Movement Progressivism infers a way of thinking which invites advancements and changes in the political, monetary, and social request. The Progressive development, 1901 to 1917, was at last the triumph of conservatism rather just did the three driving Progressive political figures, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson, bring upon new statures to government guideline, yet in addition the extraordinary business pioneers of this period characterized the units of political mediation. With political private enterprise ascending to notoriety, Progressive legislative issues experienced new subjects and territories. The certainty of government guideline strategies, reorganization of social government assistance, protection, and different developments with banking prompted one moderate exertion: the conservation of existing forces and monetary/social relations. The political pioneers of Progressivism ProgressivismThe timeframe between the Spanish-American War and World War I is known as the Progressive Era. It was a period set apart by vision, change, his ear were moderate in that they all had confidence in the essentials of fundamental free enterprise. The different types of hostile to believe enactment introduced by every president made the country one bit nearer to giving a steady, unsurprising, and secure, in this manner, moderate industrialist society. Theodore Roosevelt s statist propensities carried new importance to government guideline. Roosevelt s Anti-Trust strategy of 1902 swore government mediation to separate unlawful restraining infrastructures and direct companies for the open great. Roosevelt felt that awful Progressivism U. S. History Progressivism confides in compromised rivalry and markets. so as to reestablish free rivalry, President Roosevelt requested the Justice division to arraign companies tightening monopolistic practices. Notwithstanding, the Judicial Branch revoked its obligation (right of reason) and now, regardless of whether the effect of the market was not unsafe, activities that limited or hoarded exchange would consequently place a firm infringing upon the Sherman law. In 1902, the United Mine Workers were eager to submit to mediation, yet the coal administrators resolvedly contradicted Progressivism 2 Progressivism The timeframe between the Spanish-American War and World War I is known as the Progressive Era. It was a period set apart by optimism, change, and critical any acknowledgment of the association. Therefore, the patrons chose to strike over wages, security conditions, and association acknowledgment. The Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 finished with the arrangement by Roosevelt of a mediation commission to govern on the issues. Representatives didn't respect legislative issues (government guideline) as an essential abhorrence, yet as a significant piece of their situation in the public arena. Roosevelt didn't consider huge to be as insidious, yet a perpetual improvement that was important in an advanced Desertion And Decline For Progressivism Desertion and Decline for Progressivism The time of the 1920s debilitated the dynamic development. It was a period that had an unprecedented response against optimism and change. The economy. Roosevelt couldn t depend on the courts to recognize fortunate or unfortunate trusts. The main arrangement was for the official to accept that accountability. Roosevelt s bright square dealings and noble men s understandings controlled numerous organizations. In 1903, another bureau position was made to address the worries of business and work (Department of Commerce and Labor). Inside the division, the Bureau of Corporations was engaged to research and report The Progressive Era 2 THE PROGRESSIVE ERA: ROOSEVELT AND WILSON The dynamic Era started in 1900. It stopped in 1917 because of Americas entrance into World War 1. During this time, on criminal operations of companies. The maltreatment of financial force by railways proposed another issue for Roosevelt. Nonetheless, in 1903, the Elkins Act engaged the ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission, first American government administrative office) to act against unfair refunds. Additionally, in 1906, the Hepburn Act expanded the ICC enrollment from five to seven. The ICC could set its own reasonable cargo rates, had its administrative pwer reached out over pipelines, scaffolds, and express organizations, and was enabled to require a Progressivism: Opposing Viewpoints Progressivism: Opposing Viewpoints At the initiation of the twentieth century, a period alluded to as progressivism moved through America. Decisively, this time in American history started not long after uniform arrangement of bookkeeping by managed transportation organizations. Other than financial relations, Roosevelt included himself in numerous significant traditionalist social relations. The Secretary of treasury made an assessment association to guarantee that cows for trade were liberated from sickness. With baffling outcomes, Germany and other European nations restricted the importation of American implied. Government guideline improved fares to Europe, free rivalry, another traditionalist exertion. In 1906, the Meat Inspection Act accommodated government and clean guidelines and reviews in Progressivism: Opposing Viewpoints Progressivism: Opposing Viewpoints At the initiation of the twentieth century, a period alluded to as progressivism moved through America. Definitely, this period in American history started not long after the Spanish-American implied pressing offices. Likewise, the Pure Food and Drug Act precluded the production, deal, and transportation of contaminated named nourishments and medications as per customer requests. Roosevelt assed numerous protection laws from 1902 to 1908 to make government water system ventures, national stops and woods, create water power, and build up the Nation Conservation Commission to regulate the country s assets. Taft, hand picked by Theodore Roosevelt, had two essential political objectives in 1909. One was the continuation of Roosevelt Progressive Movement Of 1918 The Progressive Movement Progressive Education accept the world changes, and that in a universe that isn't especially worried about capacity to think straight Rychard Fink trust-busting, and the other was the compromise of the old watchman moderates and youthful dynamic reformers in the Republican Party. Taft, being an enemy of statist, was a poor dynamic lawmaker. Rather than the uplifting viewpoint toward large business and rivalry taking after Roosevelt, Taft was a backer of least administrative guideline. In any case, in examining hostile to syndication law authorization, Taft and his Attorney General George Wichersham brought44 prosecutions in against trust suites. Taft was effective in mending the Republican split among traditionalists and progressives Theodore Roosevelt and Progressivism In spite of the analysis of their change endeavors, Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson’s duty to and accomplishment in accomplishing national change made them fruitful dynamic presidents. There hasn’t yet been over such issues as duty change, preservation, and the practically tyrannical pwer held by Republican Speaker of the House, Joseph Cannon. Taft s powerlessness to bring the two wings of the gathering together prompted the solidified division which would achieve a Democratic triumph in the 1912 races. In 1910, Republican progressives got together with Democrats to strip Speaker Cannon of his pwer to designate the Committee on Rules and serve on it himself. Albeit reproachful of Cannon, Taft bombed Progressism Vs. Populism Americans didn't know about the division among populists and progressivists during the late nineteenth and mid twentieth hundreds of years, yet they knew about the division among Democrats and Republicans. to adjust himself to the progressives. Additionally, another occasion pushing the more prominent split in the Republican
Thursday, July 30, 2020
A Simple DIY Short-Term Memory Experiment
A Simple DIY Short-Term Memory Experiment More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers If you are looking for a simple experiment idea that you can try at home, here is a quick short-term memory test. You can try this experiment on your own, but it would also be interesting to try with a small group of volunteer classmates. By seeing how many words you can memorize in a brief period of time, you can learn more about both the capacity and duration of short-term memory. An At-Home Short-Term Memory Experiment In the following demonstration, look at the list of words below for two minutes. Memorize as many words as you can in this amount of time. Next, turn off your computer monitor and get out a sheet of paper. Give yourself two minutes to write down as many words from the list as you can. Nine Swap Cell Ring Lust Plugs Lamp Apple Table Sway Army Bank Fire Hold Worm Clock Horse Color Baby Sword Desk Hold Find Bird Rock Checking Your Results How many words did you get correct? Despite having two minutes to memorize the words, you may find it surprisingly difficult to later recall even a handful of words. This experiment demonstrates some of the limitations of short-term memory. According to researcher George A. Miller, the typical storage capacity for short-term memory is seven plus or minus two items. However, memory rehearsal strategies, such as chunking, can significantly increase memorization and recall. For example, observe the following words: Horse Cat Dog Fish Bird Orange Yellow Blue Green Black Table Chair Desk Bookcase Bed Teacher School Student Homework Class Apple Banana Kiwi Grape Mango Because these items can be easily grouped based on category, you can probably remember far more of these words. Clustering can be a useful memorization strategy that can improve the retention and recall of information. Key Terms Before you begin your experiment, there are some key terms and concepts you should understand. MemoryShort-term memoryChunking Key Questions for Background Research On average, how many words can a person remember?Can other factors such as gender and age have an impact on memory?Do people tend to remember certain words more than others?What strategies might improve memorization? Performing Your Own Word Memorization Experiment There are a number of different approaches you could take in conducting your own word memorization experiment. The following are just a few ideas you might explore: Compare random words versus related words. Create two groups of words: one group that is completely random and another that has groups of related words. Ask participants to first complete one trial with the random words, and then complete another trial with the related words. Compare the results of your two trials.Compare results between male and female participants. Have a group of participants perform the memorization activity, and then compare how many the male participants remembered on average to how many the female participants remembered.Try the experiment with gender-associated terms versus gender-neutral terms. For example, create a list of terms related to objects or concepts commonly associated with women. Then create a list of terms not associated with either gender. Administer both tests to a group of participants and compare the results between the men and women. Did women find it easier to remember the gender-associated terms? Did men find it more difficult? Or were th e results insignificant?Compare results among different age groups. For example, create a group of school-age children, a group of college students, a group of middle-aged adults and a group of older adults. Give the same word memorization test to each participant and then compare the results of each group. Which group performed the best? Which one performed the worst? What do these results have to say about memory and age? When you are exploring psychology experiment ideas, be sure to understand how to conduct a psychology experiment to get accurate results and to perform experiments ethically.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Analysis Mutters Schuhe By Nina Roder - 1679 Words
Memories are a powerful force within people’s lives. They encourage, explain and expose the inner depths of an individual and the reason for who they are. Whether remembrances from past occurrences as children or teens or life altering decisions made regarding career and family, memories continue to have an influence on everyday life. They drive a person forward in current judgments and effects relationships with those surrounding. However, as time progresses memories alter. Either details are forgotten or translated differently than their original happening; memories are subjected to distortion. Consequently, the revision in which people remember recollections of their life’s history can influence the interpretation and their retellings. The correspondence between time and memories is often overlooked as parallel, but the interlocking connection contributes sustainably to everyday life, choices, behaviors and personal relationships. In her photographic series, Mutters Schuhe, Nina Rà ¶der explores how â€Å"subjectivity and perspective affect the retelling of memories†(Garrett, 2014) through the suggestion that emotions and time can trigger a rebirth of perspectives concerning memories. Nina Rà ¶der shot the series Mutter Schuhe, (Mother’s Shoes) in 2008 where it was originally displayed in a small gallery in Windsbach Germany. The series originated as a personal project, but gain global recognition in 2014 after claiming a spot as a finalist on the popular photography gallery
Saturday, May 9, 2020
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The Pain of Help with Dissertations Custom writing means a severe company with high standards. You are going to be quite satisfied after receiving your work as we provide the entire work in the shape of the email that is extremely secure. Our site features custom writing help and editing support. You may click the student's name to visit a page listing all the student's pending and prior reports. The Do's and Don'ts of Help with Dissertations Your dissertation sample is simply likely to be like the instructions you've given us. On the flip side, you don't need to fret about how you dissertation paper is going to be written, given our professional dissertation writing helpers are extremely acquainted with writing rules and regulation and as such you can expect to get a suitable paper and one which has met all of the writing requirements. At our essay assistance, essays are always delivered in a brief moment. If you must compose a thesis statement only we'll also assist you. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internal Control Requirements for Publicly Traded Companies Free Essays
In a meeting last week, the president of LJB expressed interest of going public in the near future and asked us about the internal control requirements for such action. To become publicly listed, LJB must follow the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), which requires all US publicly traded companies to maintain an adequate system of internal control. Under SOX Section 404, a company must report on internal controls over financial reporting in its annual report. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Control Requirements for Publicly Traded Companies or any similar topic only for you Order Now Four key elements must be included in this report (Smith, Ledyard;): 1. Statement of responsibility by the company management (CEO and CFO) for establishing and maintaining an adequate internal control structure and procedure for financial reporting. 2. Statement identifying the framework used by management to evaluate the effectiveness of the company’s internal control over financial reporting. 3. Management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting. 4. Attestation by the company’s external auditor on management’s assessment of the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls and procedures for financial reporting. As the president of LJB, he and other executives and board of directors must ensure that the internal controls are reliable and effective. In addition, he must hire independent outside auditors to attest to the adequacy of the internal control system. LJB’s Proper Internal Controls To beco me publicly listed, LJB must ensure and maintain an adequate and effective internal control system. After evaluating LJB’s current internal controls, I have found several positive acts. First, the accountant of LJB has recently started to use prenumbered invoices, which I believe to be a right decision because all companies, including LJB, should establish proper documentation procedures. LJB should document transactions and events when they occur. The use of prenumbered invoices can help to prevent a transaction from being recorded more than once, or conversely, from not being recorded at all (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 341). In addition, an effective internal control system should require that all source documents be promptly forwarded to the accounting department for accounting entries; this helps to ensure timely recording of the transactions and contributes directly to the accuracy and reliability of the accounting records (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 341). So when the accountant has asked for buying an indelible ink machine to print checks, I believe it will be a wise and necessary purchase. Second, the accountant does a good job of moving all checks into a safe in his office during weekends. This is in compliance with physical controls, which relate to the safeguarding of assets and enhance the accuracy and reliability of the accounting records (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 342). By moving the checks into the safe, they are secured during nonbusiness hours and not accessible to no one, this prevents potential fraud and theft. LJB’s Improper Internal Controls On the other hand, there are several other controls which LJB is not doing properly. First, the accountant is now serving two roles as both treasurer and controller. This is a violation of segregation of duties. Different individuals should be responsible for related activities, however, the accountant is responsible for both supply purchases and payments for these purchases, and this increases the potential for errors and irregularities (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 339). Since the accountant can make orders of supplies without supervisory approval, he may be tempted to receive kickbacks from suppliers (not saying he will); he may authorize payments for fictitious invoices since he also has payment authorization. Moreover, the accountant should not be responsible for both receiving checks and completing monthly bank reconciliations, because since he is the person who handles record keeping for LJB, he should be neither responsible for physical custody of the received checks (which are basically cash) nor have access to them (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 340). Both vacancies of segregation of related activities and segregation of record-keeping from physical custody controls leave a great potential of fraud for LJB, not mentioning there is a lack of independent internal verification (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 343). Second, LJB is missing control over its petty cash. If all employees have access to petty cash, it is a violation of establishment of responsibility (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, pp. 338-339). In addition, not only no one is responsible for the petty cash, employees who use the money are only asked to leave a note, this violates the documentation procedures controls. Third, the firing incident indicates LJB is doing poorly on three controls: human resource controls (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 344), physical controls, and establishment of responsibility. LJB did not conduct a thorough background check on the convicted employee. If a thorough background check was performed LJB should had found out that this person was convicted guilty and served time for molesting children. Also, since LJB does not assign individual passwords to employees, it was no surprise that it had difficulty getting the convicted employee’s confession of viewing pornography on company computer. Last, the accountant should not be engaged in interviewing and approving new hires, since he is already responsible for other tasks. Instead, the human resources department should be involved in the hiring process, along with the president. Recommendations for Improvement These poor internal controls indicate LJB’s vulnerability to frauds, which not only serve as threats to LJB but also hinder the company’s capability of going public. Nevertheless, actions can be taken to fix such flaws. First of all, LJB should assign different individuals to handle supply purchase and payment tasks. If the accountant is responsible for making orders of supplies, he should receive approvals for these purchases, and should not be granted payment authorization. If he authorizes payments, he should not be made responsible for purchasing supplies. Also, since he prepares bank reconciliations, he should not have custody of the received checks; a different individual should be assigned for such task. In addition, for enhanced security, LJB can assign another employee who is independent of the personnel responsible for the activities to conduct independent internal verification. He/she can compare the payment checks to invoices; he/she can also compare total receipts to bank deposits on a monthly basis to see if there is reconciliation between the cash balance per books and the cash balance per bank. If there is any discrepancy, he/she can report to the management immediately for corrective action (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, pp. 343-344). Secondary, LJB needs to set up a petty cash fund (not sure one is existed currently) and appoint a custodian who is responsible for such fund. Size of the petty cash fund should be determined, expenditures from the fund should be limited and certain types of transactions should not be permitted from the fund. The custodian of the und should have authority to make payments from petty cash that conform to these prescribed policies (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 367). Also, for documentation purpose, instead of a note from users of the petty cash, each payment from the fund must be documented on a prenumbered petty cash receipt, signatures of both the custodian and the individual who receiving payment must be on the receipt. If other supporting documents such as an invoice are available, they should be attached to the receipt (Kimmel, Wey gandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 367). Furthermore, internal control over petty cash fund can be strengthened by (1) having a supervisor make surprise counts of the fund to ascertain whether the paid petty cash receipts and fund cash equal the designated amount, and (2) canceling or mutilating the paid petty cash receipts so they cannot be resubmitted for reimbursement (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 369). Lastly, from now on, LJB must conduct thorough background checks on all new hires. Two things can be verified to support the checks: (1) Check to see whether job applicants actually graduated from the schools they list. 2) Never use the telephone numbers for previous employers given on the reference sheet; always look them up (Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso, 2011, p. 344). The human resources department should be held responsible for all background checks. In addition, all employees should be assigned individual passwords for signing into company computers, and these passwords should only be known to the individuals whom they are assigned to. LJB may also consider installing an advanced firewall program on computers which prohibits users from logging in external indecent websites. How to cite Internal Control Requirements for Publicly Traded Companies, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Similarities Between Classical Music free essay sample
Before Duke Elongations Cotton Club performances, Jazz play on the radio was delegated for late night audience only. This sub-culture treatment has led many critics to disregard the Jazz movement as a dance craze, or unsuccessful recreations of Classical pieces. This slandering faze has not only created a false image Of the music, but it has also lead to a full disconnection between the two genres. It is for this reason that I propose in my paper to show the relationship between these two musical categories. My hopes in demonstrating these similarities is to disassemble the schism of ignorance built between the two, and place both Jazz and Classical music on equal footing. Critics of Jazz have always perpetuated this schism by utilizing the reasoning behind Jazz, that of it being a free form interpretation, to question the legitimacy of calling a Jazz leader a composer. For how can one be styled as a proper composer and still remain true to the Traditional Jazz concepts?The classic composer has at their disposal highly skilled musicians who are trained to work within professional bodies, such as a symphony orchestra or string quartet, and who then relies on the efficiency of these professionally rained bodies to interpret his scores as he sees fit. We will write a custom essay sample on The Similarities Between Classical Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the surface this appears to run contradictory to the Jazz composer whom, Has to write for specific combinations which do not exist until he brings them into being, and to rely on highly individual executable whose personal style must be blended together to give expression to his own ideas their individuality. Yet to interpret this blending of highly individualistic sounds as proof of a schism between this and the rigidly structured Classical composer is a false impression. This fallacy can be attributed to overemphasized the sporadic and improvisational aspects of Jazz and refusing to address the simplistic question of how much room is there for personal interpretation within the context of composed writing?Complete artistic improvisational is only accomplished by the single performer, but Yet the moment a group or a collective improvisational steps in some relatively simple and more or less inflexible convention becomes essential if mere chaos is to be kept at bay. 3 This is why Duke Elongations Orchestra played such an integrate role in his development Of musical scores. It is here that we e the originality of Duke Elongation, for in his tailoring a piece around the performer, he created the impression of pure interpretations within the framework of structure.As Duke once said, Another theory they hold is that there is such thing as a unadulterated improvisation without any preparation or anticipation. It is my firm belief that there has never been anyone who has blown even two bars worth listening to who didnt have some idea what he was going to play, before he started4 This is an important aspect to bear in mind for this argument, for the mistake that Classical critics make is this extortion of the improvisational aspect to such extremes that one would believe that no compositional writing takes place.While obviously some improvisation happens in Jazz assembles, it is not that extreme, and in Elongations case this improvisation of certain musicians was actually written in the piece. Elongation work is centered on the interplay between written and improvised music. 5 As one can see both types of composers utilize their musicians to express theyre given message and while it is through this utilization that subtle differences arise, it is hardly enough to claim this schism.To most people the infusion of African tonality into Duke Elongations music to create Negro art, questions the connection between European music and Jazz. Here Constant Lambert responds to this. If anyone doubts the essential element of European sophistication in Jazz, it is a simple matter for his to compare a typical piece of Jazz, such as Duke Elongation Swampy River, first with a lyric by Grief and then with a record of African music. It must be clear to even the most prejudiced listener that apart from a few rhythmical peculiarities the Elongation piece has far more in common with the music ofGrief6 One must understand that even when Duke infused the two tonalities of music; he still was obligated to work within guidelines of the European Harmonic tradition. 7 Yet by him keeping with this tradition he is not obligated to write music in the form of previous composers such as Stravinsky, Mozart, or Bach, for to do that would delegate Elongations music as a duplicate work. Here is the contradiction, for no Classical composer has ever been chastise for creativity in their sound, and yet how do you explain the criticism of Elongations work?The intentional fusing of African and European tonality is nothing more than a continuation of numerous inventive techniques used by musicians as seen in the changing sounds and techniques of Classical music over time? Thus to criticize Duke for his originality one would also have to condemn original composers such as Debussy, whos use of the whole-tone scale, instead of the traditional scale of Western music, allowed him to achieved a new nuances of mood and expression.Music is a universal aspect in which the inherit purpose of composing is expression. In Don Giovanni Mozart treats the interplay Of social and sexual tensions with men insight into human character that transcends the comic framework, just as Die Jabberer ¶et (1791) transcends, with its elements of ritual and allegory about human harmony and enlightenment, the world of the Viennese popular theatre from which it springs8 As one can see this expression of the artist is relevant to Classical music, but can the sa me be said about Jazz?Some critics explain Jazz is nothing more than entertainment, and yet in this declaration these critics overlook the implication of the music. The purpose of Jazz is to express the conditions of the time, and for a critic to denote that he music cannot do so is not only ridicules but logically incorrect. First of all, who knows more about an artists music than the said artist? We know that Don Giovanni has meaning to it because of the authors intended purpose, thus for Duke Elongations music to have the same type of meaning he must state it, and for which he does. Question is always being asked whether Jazz music will ever be accepted seriously. I think so; and it has to be accepted as serious music because it is the only type which describes this specific serious music is supposed to be descriptive of a period, then Jazz will have to be used o describe this, the Jazz age. Since I think Jazz is serious thing, I must be serious in my choice of song titles. 9 Thus one can see the purpose of Elongations music is to describe the era in which he lives in, very similar to the Classical era composers and the Romantic era composer s.In response to the enjoyably of Elongations music, I admit that Elongations music has melody in which patrons danced to, but the dance-ability of the music is not inherent but rather an interpretation by the targeted audience. As Duke once indicated, No notes represent swing. You ant write swing because swing is the emotional element in the audience. 10 The dance-ability of Jazz cannot be used as a distinguishing character, because one can always point to ballet, the waltz, or other manners of dance perpetuated against the backdrop of classic music.Last, large amount of spectators not only dance to Classical music but attend concert halls to listen to their performer, is this critic also indicating that in hearing Classical music one does not find enjoyment? As one author indicates, Like Mozart he, (referring to Duke Elongation) wrote music specifically designed for dance and encore and, again like Mozart, fudged the distinction between the two by the originality and consistency of his vision. 11 Thus as one can see that both Jazz and Classical music are reflection of their artists ideals and social conditions, while also consisting of an enjoyable element to their audience.In this ongoing analysis betwe en the similarities of Elongation and Classical music, one must bear in mind the fundamental composition of all music. The basic elements found in the composition of all musical sound is melody, harmony, tone color, texture, rhythm, and form. While all music is created through imbibing these elements, the unique sound of a specific musical genre is dependent upon the proportion ratio Of the mixture. 12 As one can see the originality of Jazz rests not in the creation of new elements, but rather with their unique utilization.An example of this can be seen in the accenting of rhythm in Jazz music thus leading some critics to refer it as Dramatic music. In all honesty Jazz is neither more or less rhythmic than any other types of music, it just simply uses rhythm in a different manner. 13 One of the clearest examples between of this link that I have been freeing to can be seen in Elongations relationship with Delis. Yet Before I make the comparison between Elongations Jazz and Delis European impressionism and lyrical romanticism, a note must be made. M in no way inferring that either composer played an integrate part in the development of the others style. Elongations sensitive impressionism shows considerable development before his actual encounter with Delis, and there is little proof that Elongations style would have changed if he had not even encountered Delis work. The real connection between these two is in the way they both utilize the impressionist technique in their music. Delis close adherence to the impressionist view can be seen in his focus on the mood or emotion stimulated by a scene.Elongations focus on reactions to events indicates how both composers place the personality of themselves at the center of their piece. On a more subtle scale, it is well known that Delis was an admirer Of early minstrel shows of the 19th century. 14 These shows were the only theatrical medium in which gifted blacks performers of the period could support themselves and play their music. In them we see the employment of read blues singers such as Ma Rained and Bessie Smith. Yet contrary to their own propaganda, minstrel shows musical repertoire has an only quasi-black influenced, not the full integration that is often portrayed. 5 The connection of this music can also be seen as the embracing of the African slave culture, while the extent of this embracement is arbitrary, the influence is still there. Yet like Gershwin this employment of the African tonality is not as pronounced in Delis, and yet the concept still advocates an unseen bridge between Classical and Elongation. While on the surface it may appear that the influence that ragtime played on Jazz has no relevance in this comparative analysis, the truth is ragtime is very much European.While it is common knowledge that European marching bands had immense influence on the development of ragtime,16 1 have decided to focus on the role of syncopation rhythm. This is made up of two essential elements, first in the placement of stress on a weak beat, and the second is the creation of a strong impulse on a subdivision of a beat, called an in-between beat. Now weak beats and in-between beets are also known electively as off beats, hence the rationale on why syncopated rhythm is referred to as a offbeat rhythm. Yet the important factor to remember is, musicians have always employed this type of rhythm as a stylistic method, with the only differential aspect in regards to rag time is the employment on a large-scale basis. Yet to the regard Of many critics, a full composition cannot be based solely on this rhyme, thus only difference in the ragtime implications and that of Classical music is the extent of the utilization. Now that we have made the connection between ragtime and Classical the question is now asked, does such a relationship exist for Elongation?If one wanted to see the contribution of ragtime on Elongation, all they had to do was look at his first piece ever composed, Soda Fountain Rag. Elongations early life was spent in the company of the great ragtime pianist whose impact on him as a musician is unfounded. As Elongation himself indicated, Those ragtime pianists sounded so good to me, and they looked so good! Particularly when they flashed their left hands. 17 As one can see, while syncopated rhythm is an integral aspect of Jazz, it is in no way limited only to his musical category.
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